Mobile app for SENECA multifunction smart calibrator.
This free APP is designed to interact via Bluetooth with the MSC multifunction smart calibrator. The app has an ergonomic and intuitive interface and is available in several languages (Italian, English, Spanish, French, and German).
MSC app offers global and flexible management of measurement and calibration sessions (data logging) for diagnosis and resolution of signal problems; it allows for visualization of data and events in real-time as well as sharing them online. Functionality:
MSC app offers global and flexible management of measurement and calibration sessions (data logging) for diagnosis and resolution of signal problems; it allows for visualization of data and events in real-time as well as sharing them online. Functionality:
- Management of the connection via Bluetooth Low Energy 4.1 between your device and the multifunction smart calibrator MSC;
- Real-time display of measured or generated values and real-time data sharing;
- Configuration of parameters related to MEASUREMENT and GENERATION/SIMULATION of universal signals
- Configuration of the parameters for the generation of ramps;
- Configuration of parameters for data logging and data sharing .CSV format.