MyALARM2 basic

GSM/GPRS remote alarm and data logger unit, BASIC version
MyALARM2 is a control unit designed for remote control of houses, buildings, pla..MyALARM2 GPS / 4G

GSM / 4G remote alarm and data logger unit, GPS, and security audio
MyAlarm2 is a control unit designed for the remote control of houses, buildings,..MyALARM2 security audio / 4G

GSM / 4G remote alarm and data logger unit, security audio version
MyAlarm2 is a control unit designed for the remote control of houses, buildings,..MyALARM SeAL

2G Datalogger with built-in I/Os, logic functions, remote control and alarm management functions
MyALARM SeAL is a data logger able to meet the growing needs of data acquisition..MyALARM2 CEI