Release Notes Firmware SW01978- ====================================== Supported Products: R-PASS (A0) SSD (B0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G (A0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G (B0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G (C0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G-S (A0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G-S (B0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G-S (C0) Z-TWS4-RT-S (A0) Z-TWS4-RT-S (B0) Z-TWS4-RT-S (C0) Z-PASS1-RT (A0) Z-PASS1-RT (B0) Z-PASS1-RT (C0) ====================================== ATTENTION! Inside the compressed file there are two different .BIN files. Check the firmware version of the device to be updated and use the correct “.bin” file: - SW012400_chm.bin = to update a device that uses firmware FW01240-x.x.x.x - SW01978_xxxx.bin = to update a device that uses firmware FW01978-y.y.y.y If in doubt, contact the support team by email WARNING! after restoring factory settings, the Straton port number is 1100 (no longer 502) NEW: -New: Data Logger: “Group Configuration” page: introduced the possibility to select the protocols to be associated with each sampling group -New: Logical Rules: new types added for the “Schedule” condition: - “Every Year” - ‘Every Hour” - ’Every N Minutes” -New: error counters added with the relative embedded tags FIX: - Fix: Data Logger: ‘General Settings’ page: parameters ‘Send Data Logs via HTTP POST’ and ‘HTTP POST Tag Limitation’ deleted, because they were a duplication of the “Enable” and “Seneca protocol” parameters in “HTTP Configuration” -Fix: ‘Conf. Management’ page: fixed the problem where saving the configuration (”All” and ‘Config’) failed when the SFTP/SSH server was not enabled (factory default) -Fix: “Conf. Management” page: the “RESET” button in the “Load SSH Key” section now restores the default key instead of completely deleting the key file -Fix: MQTT: fixed problem where writing a tag with a name longer than 20 characters failed -Fix: VPN Box 2: NAT rule management between VPN and LAN with variable netmask (no longer fixed at “/24”)