Firmware Release Notes SW01978- Supported tools: Z-PASS2-RT-4G (A0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G (B0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G-S (A0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G-S (B0) Z-PASS1-RT (A0) Z-PASS1-RT (B0) Z-TWS4-RT-S (A0) Z-TWS4-RT-S (B0) R-PASS (A0) SSD (B0) ATTENTION! There are two different .BIN files within the compressed file. Please check the firmware in the device to be updated and use the correct ‘.bin’ file: - SW012400_chm.bin = to update a device using firmware FW01240-x.x.x - SW01978_xxxx.bin = to update a device using firmware FW01978-y.y.y In case of doubt contact the support team by email WARNING! after reset to factory values the PORT of Straton is 1100 (no longer 502) FIX: -Fix: GUI-web: correction of the problem where, when switching off or restarting the device, with the GUI-web active, the browser (Firefox) would freeze (had to be terminated) -Fix: OPC-UA Client (Straton): correction of the problem of connection loss not being detected -Fix: testing (serial ports) -Fix: vpnbox2 fixes: - fixed the issue of not enabling debug logs on MQTT clients - changes to ensure that, if the VPN connection is already active when the daemon is started, its status is ‘CONNECTED’ - fixed the problem where, after boot, with the WAN cable initially disconnected, the SRV LED continued to flash, even if the MQTT connection was active - Corrected the problem where, following the ‘register’ command from VPNBox2, the service VPN was no longer active -Fix: ‘Summary’ and ‘Network and Services’ pages: renamed the ‘FILE TRANSFER’ section to ‘SFTP/SSH SERVER’ -Fix: ‘HTTP Configuration’ page: changes (JavaScript and PHP) to accept the ‘?’ character in the ‘Path’ parameter -Fix: Z-NET4: correction of sending the configuration to the CPU.