Firmware Release Notes SW01978-2.2.0 Supported tools: Z-PASS2-RT-4G (A0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G (B0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G-S (A0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G-S (B0) Z-PASS1-RT (A0) Z-PASS1-RT (B0) Z-TWS4-RT-S (A0) Z-TWS4-RT-S (B0) R-PASS (A0) SSD (B0) WARNING! There are two different .BIN files within the compressed file. We urge you to check the firmware in the device to be upgraded and use the correct ".bin" file: - SW012400_chm.bin = to update a device using firmware FW01240-x.x.x.x - SW01978_2220.bin = to update a device using firmware FW01978-y.y.y.y If in doubt, please contact the support team NEW: - integration with DIREL Cloud (ZTWSPASSRT-55) - integration with On-Board Cloud (FWUNIMX6-6) - MQTT Configuration: - added "%M" formatting (MAC Address without ':') - possibility to use the formats '%m', '%M' and '%e' in the 'Client ID'. - new "Send Acknowledge To Commands" parameter - new parameters 'Username for Commands', 'Password for Commands' (authentication on commands) - Multi Cloud" management (FWUNIMX6-3) - DB APN: added record for operator "1NCE" (MCC=901, MNC=40) - integration with Cloud Cumulocity (ZTWSPASSRT-34) - upgrade of Straton (t5energy) runtime to release 14 (ZTWSPASSRT-42) - FW SW01978 now also supports SSD, R-PASS, R-PASS-S (requires Z-NET rev or higher) - Data Logger/Email Configuration: parameter for email line terminator introduced (ZTWSPASSRT-52) FIX: - Modbus Master/Client: modification to avoid mismatch situations between requests and responses when the timeout on response reception is too short (LPZ-109) - WiFi: correction of problem where configuration failed with "Encryption Mode" = "None" (FWUNIMX6-7). - Tag Setup" page: changed control on parameter "TARGET MODBUS STATION ADDRESS" to allow values 248..255 - Fix R-PASS-4ETH update to SW01978 - NAT 1:1: reintroduced option 'VPN-L3' for parameter 'Interface - Message Configuration" and "Timer Configuration" pages: added automatic incrementing of message id/timer (RPAS-39) - fixed problem where the GPS profile did not work if at least one variable with I/O profile was not present in the Straton project - Internet access problem via Z-PASS2-RT-4G (ZTWSPASSRT-56) - problem with M-Bus scan (PLCSTRATON-106) - Data Logger/MQTT Configuration: managed the format "%jv" in the "Publish Bulk Format". - WiFi (Station): corrected the issue where, if the association with the AP initially failed and was later successful, the DHCP Client was no longer activated - Corrected the problem of tags not being updated after changing the "Modbus ID" of an RS485 module from the GUI - alarms: fixed the problem with the "Ignore on Boot" parameter not working - restored operation of the "VPN CUSTOM ON" command (SMS, HTTP-POST, MQTT) - "NAT 1:1 Rules": deleted the "VPN-L3" option of the "Interface" parameter - "Gateway Configuration": Removed the "Serial Tunnel Point-to-Multipoint" option of the "Transparent" mode, because it does not currently work with Yocto Zeus NOTE with the update from SW01240 -> SW01978, on SSD/R-PASS/R-PASS-S, the FTP service is no longer available (only SFTP, for "cyber security" reasons)