Firmware Release Notes SW01240- ====================================== Supported products: R-PASS (A0) SSD (B0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G (A0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G (B0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G (C0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G-S (A0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G-S (B0) Z-PASS2-RT-4G-S (C0) Z-TWS4-RT-S (A0) Z-TWS4-RT-S (B0) Z-TWS4-RT-S (C0) Z-PASS1-RT (A0) Z-PASS1-RT (B0) Z-PASS1-RT (C0) ====================================== ATTENTION! There are two different .BIN files within the compressed file. Please check the firmware in the device to be updated and use the correct ‘.bin’ file: - SW012400_chm.bin = to update a device using firmware FW01240-x.x.x - SW01978_xxxx.bin = to update a device using firmware FW01978-y.y.y In case of doubt contact the support team by email WARNING! after the factory reset the PORT of Straton is 1100 (no longer 502) Fix: - Fix: IEC-60870 server now sends packets with non-UTC timestamps. - Fix: “Rule Management” page: the text now shows the DTMF acknowledgement sequence (#99*) for audio calls - Fix: “Router Configuration” page: fixes related to success/failure messages when saving configuration