
Convertisseur opto-isolé PT100 / V-I
K109PT is a converter for Thermoresistance PT100 with 2,3,4 wires and provides a..K109PT-HPC

Convertisseur opto-isolé Pt100 / V-I à haute précision
K109PT-HPC is an high performance converter for Thermoresistance PT100 with 2,3,..K109PT1000

Convertisseur opto-isolé PT1000 / V-I
K109PT1000 is a converter for Thermoresistance PT1000 with 2,3,4 wires and provi..K120RTD

Convertisseur Pt100, Ni100 / V-I non isolé loop powered
K120RTD is a converter for Thermoresistance PT100/Ni100 with 2,3,4 wires and con..K109TC