OPC Server UA
OPC Server UA (Unified Architecture) communication and data exchange software
OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) is the latest Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control (OPC) specification from the OPC Foundation. OPC UA differs from its OPC predecessors with respect to the COM/DCOM communication model for a cross-platform service-oriented architecture (SOA), process control, security improvement, and information model availability. IoT gateways (Z-PASS1, Z-PASS2) and Straton multifunction controllers (Z-TWS4, Z-PASS2-S, S6001-RTU) integrate OPC UA Server functionality for connection to management systems such as ERP, MES or SCADA in both new and existing plants. OPC UA Server also facilitates the decoupling of networks with separate rights between factory network and IT. The MQTT publisher functionality, available in the products concerned, allows direct data integration into Cloud / IoT applications. No changes to the Straton program are required.