
New releases of the SENECA Advanced programming language
New releases of the SENECA Advanced programming language: SEAL 2.0 and SEAL LEGACY 1.5 Introduced in April 2014 as a system of object-oriented programming, SEAL is a software designed for the management of advanced projects of automation and remote communication.SEAL can intuitively manage variables, controls, automation, alarms, thresholds, reporting and network communication. Through this software you can configure and update you project via Ethernet or SIM.
The key features are alarms control and events associated with the I/O channels, the bit operations, comparators, trigger and timing.
SEAL offers the possibility to set function blocks, control blocks on threshold and to completely manage the ModBUS variables of your devices.
With the new release 2 and 1.5 Legacy, SEAL is available as a configuration system for units of data logging, remote management and remote alarm: MYALARM2, Z-GPRS2-SEAL and Z-LOGGER-SEAL.
From June 2015 the only versions available are Z-GPRS2-SEAL and Z-LOGGER-SEAL (no more available Z-GPRS2 and Z-LOGGER)
New features SEAL 2
Compared to previous versions, SEAL 2 provides important additional features such as:
• Support and configuration of MYALARM2, Z-GPRS2-SEAL, Z-LOGGER, Z-LOGGER-SEAL
• DTMF commands messages management for MYALARM2 and Z-GPRS2-SEAL
• Customizable text for fast commands towards MYALARM2 and Z-GPRS2-SEAL
• Diagnostic messages of non-response ModBUS Master requests (RTU Slave disconnection)
• Management of temporary variables for data exchange with SCADA systems
• Setting Ethernet/Web Server and Cloud mode with ftp, http and smtp protocols
• MyALARM2 firmware upgrade remotely (GPRS, FTP, Cloud), as well as locally (via USB or SD card)
• Data analysis and predictive diagnostics by sending asynchronous log report with STOP command
• Thresholds of traffic over GSM/GPRS settable.
• Management of the new MyALARM2 options and configurations (GPS, HVAC, Audio)
Fig.1 UI SEAL 2.0 (1. Main Menu, 2. Project Window, 3. Project Toolbar, 4. Project Element Outliner, 5. Project Graph Explorer, 6. Project Graph Block Editor)
Fig.2 The compatibility of projects SEAL / EASY
The SEAL updated packages can be downloaded from the following links:
Software SEAL