Straton is one of the most common industrial Soft PLC (platform-independent) completely based on IEC 61131-3. The first development environment created for process industry that sees its strength in versatility and full integration of industrial protocols for energy (IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-104) and remote control (IEC 61850).
Most of the SENECA CPUs are Linux based and are suitable for Straton IDE. The potential offered by the Straton versatility, combined with powerful hardware and a complete operating system, provides the highest reliability even for the most complex systems. SENECA CPUs with Straton IDE offer a full PLC unit combined with the best data management (FTP server, SAMBA Protocol, data management, etc.) with an excellent quality/price ratio.
In order to improve and optimize the system configuration time, SENECA provides SENECA Straton Package: a free software suite with different configuration tools and an object oriented programming software. This suite includes a set of information for all SENECA devices giving user a rapid project configuration with all SENECA devices (and relative tags) like I/O's, converters, network analyzers, etc. With Z-NET4, an object oriented programming software, the user can build the project and load it into the CPU greatly reducing the code strings programming time.
Among the many possibilities SENECA modular controllers can act as an IEC 61850 server, manage system conversion MODBUS-RTU - MODBUS-TCP, manage/create Virtual Private Networks via internet and point-to-point tunnels. SENECA offers a wide range of modular controllers such as PLCs (Z-TWS11, Z-TWS4), RTUs (Z-PASS2-S, S6001-RTU) and controllers for Energy Management applications (Z-TWS4 Energy, Z-PASS2-S Energy, S6001-RTU Energy).
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