Upgrades for Z-PASS IoT Gateways
New product upgrades for: Z-PASS1/Z-PASS2.
NAT 1.1 & STATIC ROUTERThe NAT 1:1 and Static Router features allow direct communication between the WAN and LAN automation network (which by default are independent and not communicating with each other). They also allow the forwarding of outgoing traffic from a Z-PASS1/2 to a particular host or subnetwork.
OPC UAOPC UA is a standard for cross communications based on the client-server model using an independent platform. Z-PASS1 and Z-PASS2 operate as OPC UA Servers and can be used in automation and data management applications with OPC UA clients from other manufacturers, in accordance with leading security protocols such as SSL/TLS and X.509.
MQTTZ-PASS1 and Z-PASS2 open to the IoT world thanks to the support of the MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) protocol, ideal for real-time data transmission and M2M connections. The parameterization of the MQTT Client is done via Web Server. To ensure secure connections (SSL/TLS) it is possible to use digital certificates.
CLOUD SUPPORTZ-PASS1 and Z-PASS2 can connect industrial machines and plants, and thousands of field I/Os, to third party Cloud platforms (i.e. AWS, Databoom, Rilheva) through http/Mqtt protocols. An alternative provided by SENECA is the CLOUD BOX server, an “on premise” solution, also available in Virtual Machine / VmWare version, where data are stored on a centralized database.
IF-THEN-ELSE LOGICSZ-PASS1 and Z-PASS2 allow the implementation of logic rules involving built-in or external I/O ( embedded or written in shared memory). The control logics that can be set (e.g. continuous or event-driven writing, alarm sending, data processing, etc.) foresee a maximum number of 2,000 rules.
IIoT Edge Gateway, Serial Device Server with embedded I/O's
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IIoT Edge Gateway, integrated I/Os, GPS receiver, and 4G modem
Z-PASS2-RT is a state-of-the-art, highly reliable, and secure device designed to..
IIoT Edge Gateway with built-in I/Os, datalogger, remote control functions, and VPN
R-PASS is a compact, state-of-the-art EDGE IIoT gateway with an incredibly slim ..