Legal Information

The contents of our website have been made with great care and current knowledge. However, our liability is limited to what is required by current regulations. As a service provider, we are responsible for third-party content only from the time we become aware of a specific violation. We reserve the right to edit or remove some or all of the content as long as legal requirements are met.

The contents of third-party services, which we refer to directly or indirectly, do not fall under our responsibility and we do not consider them to be our own. At the time the link was created, we were not aware of any inappropriate content on the linked services. Since we cannot influence the current and future configuration of such content, we expressly disassociate ourselves from any changes made after the link was created. The provider of the linked service is solely responsible for the content, particularly for any damages resulting from the use of the information found through those services. If we become aware of illegal, illicit, or inaccurate content on linked services, we will remove the link.

All published content is subject to copyright and trademark laws. Use, reproduction, public dissemination, and other forms of application are permitted only with the consent of the author or rights holder. Partial display in external frames or similar references is permitted only within the limits of the law and with our prior consent.


Privacy policy

Following Art. 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR), we inform you that the data concerning you or provided by you, or otherwise acquired within the scope of our statutory activity, will be processed in compliance with the above-mentioned regulations and the obligations of confidentiality arising therefrom. Such data will be kept at our headquarters and processed exclusively for institutional purposes, connected and instrumental to the activity of our company, such as the processing of statistics, marketing, and promotional initiatives.

This is without prejudice to your right to exercise the faculties of rights (e.g. modification, deletion, refusal of processing, etc.) provided under applicable data protection legislation.

To protect your data against accidental or improper destruction, loss, or alteration, and against unauthorized access or disclosure, SENECA s.r.l. has provided appropriate security measures of a technical and organizational nature.


Licenses of use and third-party links

In some sections of the site you may find licenses of use and hyperlinks with references to other websites, proposed for the sole purpose of providing a better service to its users, but for whose content and use SENECA s.r.l. is in no way responsible, nor does this imply approval or acceptance of responsibility by SENECA s.r.l.



In compliance with the legislation on whistleblowing (Laws 190/2012, 179/2017, Legislative Decree no. 24/3/2023, EU Directive 2019/1937), SENECA s.r.l. has activated a system for reporting acts or facts that may constitute violations of the law and illegal, irregular and dangerous conduct. For more in-depth information on operational procedures, channels available to make a report, and the management of personal data, please refer to the contact details indicated in the following paragraph.


Conditions of sale

-> Download terms of sale here


Environmental Compliance Policies

SENECA's environmental compliance standard includes only prohibitions and restrictions of substances that apply generally to articles or specifically to articles in the electrical and electronics industry.

This standard is based on current European legislation and certain national, regional, or international regulations relevant to SENECA's products and markets. This standard does not cover prohibitions that relate only to the use of substances or preparations.

This standard must be met for all items supplied that remain integrated into SENECA products. However, it does not relieve the obligation to comply with applicable international, European, and national legal regulations.

-> Download Declarations of Conformity here